Frequently Asked Questions

What is Witchy and Well?

Witchy and Well is a community, a resource, a friend.  It is a catalyst for connecting people in love, curiosity, and magick. Through our classes, retreats, gatherings, and online content, we seek to provide people with the self-insight and magickal allies to thrive in all areas of their lives, from health, to wealth, to relationships. We are teachers and students, we are the medical and the magickal, we are creators ourselves and we shine a spotlight on the creations of others.

Who are you?

Emily came from a medical background and worked as a clinical pharmacist before making the change to witchy wellness. She discovered that what she loved most about her work was connecting with people and helping them to identify and actualize their own goals. She realized that embracing her identity as a witch opened the door to help people in the most authentic, joyful, and powerful way she could. 

Why did you choose to identify as a witch?

The word “witch” has made its way into a unique place in our collective psyche. The word has come to connote dichotomous images of both mighty evil sorceresses such as those antagonizing Disney princesses and the powerless women of history killed simply for being alive.

The word sends a shiver of both curiosity and fear down our spines. We want to see the witch in her power and glory, but we are afraid of what she might do to us. 

Throughout history, the witchy woman (or witchy man or nonbinary folk) was perceived as a threat to the institutions we’ve built – the church, the sciences, the medical field. She was hanged or burned for representing an alternative. She was punished for disagreeing with the status quo.

The witch represents the idea that we have what we need within ourselves, that our own intuition, curiosity, and compassion can help set us free and thrive.

As we reclaim the word witch, we do so with love, open hearts, and open minds. We believe that you don’t have to choose – you can be a witch AND. You can be a witch and a pharmacist, you can be a witch and an electrical engineer, a witch and a geologist, minister, you name it. As we reclaim this word, we eschew the evil sorceress plotting your demise and we embrace the nurturer, the teacher, the healer, the one who empowers you to be whole and healthy and full of joy. As we reclaim this word, we let it be a mirror reflecting the best of humanity. 

Why do you spell magick with a “k”?

The “k” is to distinguish the type of magick we do from magic tricks and sleight of hand magic!

Who should seek out your services?

Anyone over age 18 looking for a community to support your dreams, help you connect, kindle your power, and foster your curiosity. We ask that all who join us do so with an open mind and open heart.

Can you prescribe medications? 

No, pharmacists working independently without an agreement with a physician cannot prescribe medications.  Emily can answer general questions about medications.

What can you promise? 

We will not judge you; we will meet you with curiosity and love always 

We will listen to you and hear you 

We will hold space for you 

We will help you create and actualize your own goals in a way that fits your unique life 

We will help you see yourself as the beautiful, magickal, powerful unicorn that you are 

We will teach you everything we can to help you be successful, and for what we don’t know, we will guide you in the right direction to find your answers 

Hugs – we can promise hugs (unless you really don’t like them, in which case, no hugs) 

What area do you serve? 

We are located in the Greater Boston/New Hampshire area. At this time, we are offering retreats and classes local to this area, though we endeavor to expand into hosting retreats in other parts of the country and world as we continue to grow!  

Do you provide refunds?

If you are unable to attend a class, retreat, or gathering you have paid for, we will work together to find an equivalent experience! Unfortunately, I cannot provide refunds at this time.


There is magick in every human, and everyone has a home with us on this journey. We will greet you with an open mind and open heart, and all we ask is for you to return this in kind. Our work is done with love and the intent to connect rather than to divide. We will try to pay respect to those who have come before us and to those who walk alongside us now. We recognize that there is still so much to learn and so much history to unpack. We take strides to walk this path of exploration every day, and we also know it is a life’s project to right the wrongs of the past - we are here for this work, we are here to learn, we are here to weave our witchy web of love.

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All post and information provided within this blog is for informational and educational purposes only, and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website. Please consult your physician or a qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health and well-being or on any opinions expressed within this website. The information provided in this blog is believed to be accurate based on the best judgment of the author. The words and other content pro­vided in this blog, and in any linked mate­rials, are not intended and should not be con­strued as medical advice. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately-licensed physician or other health care worker. Never dis­regard pro­fes­sional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of some­thing you have read on this blog or in any linked materials. You as the reader must be responsible for consulting with your own health professional on matters raised within. We, at Witchy and Well, will not accept any responsibility for the actions or consequential results of any action taken by any reader.

Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.